
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Books I Didn't Blog About: The Really, Really Good Stuff

It's probably become a bit obvious by now, but the very last thing I want to do is write reviews lately. I tried with two mini reviews in September, but I keep looking at the list of all the other books I've read and not reviewed this year and I Just. Don't. Want. To. Do. It. So guess, what? I'm not going to! I do still want to share these books though, so I'm trying something new for me and doing a series of round-ups with just a few thoughts on each title. Since there are so many neglected books on my list, I'm planning on one post per star rating. I'm still on the fence about whether or not to share my 1- and 2-star reads, but let's start with the really, really good stuff, shall we?

Loved it! - 5 star reads

by Kristin Cashore 
Purchased / Paperback / For Book Club

I probably wouldn't have picked this one up if it wasn't scheduled for book club, so I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I haven't read the companion books yet, but really want to. It's quite chunky, but I didn't want to put it down!

* * * * *

One Man Guy
by Michael Barakiva
Borrowed from Library / Audiobook

Fantastic narration! This was SO excellent as an audiobook and broke a string of 3-star reads. Contemporary YA is not usually my thing, but this was just a really, really great book. Funny and sweet -- I absolutely loved it.

* * * * *

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
by JK Rowling
Purchased / Hardcover / Re-Read

Before the entire series was published, this was my least favorite Harry Potter book. (Though let's be honest, least favorite is a relative thing when it comes to a favorite series -- it was always a good book for me, I just liked other installments better). After I knew the whole story, I had a much greater appreciation for the events of this second book and thoroughly enjoyed my re-read. This was at least the third time I read this one, if not the fourth -- I've lost track!

* * * * *

by Diana Gabaldon
Purchased / Paperback / Re-Read

An all-time favorite adult book series of mine. After the mid-season finale of the Starz show, I just couldn't leave the story hanging, so I started a re-read. I'm on the 2nd book now and am hoping (wishing? dreaming?) I will finish all 8 before baby arrives in April. We shall see.

* * * * *

With the volume of books I've been reading/listening to, I think this format will work better for me going forward without totally closing up shop around here. After I play catch-up, I'd like to do monthly round-ups. Hopefully I will continue to read more than one book in a month to make that possible though! Not a problem at the moment, but once the spring rolls around it may be a different story. But like I said before, I'm going with the flow :)

Reading Challenges:
New to Me
Banned Books
Book to Movie
Prequel & Sequel
Lucky No. 14
Diversity on the Shelf
Historical Fiction


  1. Chamber of Secrets is probably my least favorite HP book. I first read the series all in one go, after the seventh book came out, and while the first book had a sort of fairy-tale wonder to it, I just couldn't get into this one. I'm not a big fan of #5 either, but that one at least plays an important role in the lead-up to the finale. This one, even though you find out much later that things were more significant than they seemed at the time, still feels like more of a stand-alone story that I'm just not as invested in.

    I love doing monthly round-ups, especially since I've never been one to write a full review for every book I read.

    1. Five is definitely low on my list as well, though it does have a lot of significant stuff happening, it's just not a favorite. I think the round-ups are the way to go if I want to keep things going around here -- and they're fun to write without the pressure of needing to find a lot to say about every single book.

  2. Great round-up! I like the format -- just enough to share your thoughts, but keeps it quick and simple. Hurray for re-reading the Outlander books! I've had Graceling on my shelf for years, and I guess I really do need to read it one of these days.

    1. I hope you get a chance to try Graceling -- it was a nice surprise for me! And I'm TOTALLY loving my Outlander re-read -- I got a little side-tracked by book club books for a little while, but I'm getting back into Dragonfly in Amber now :)

  3. If this is working better than sitting on a load of reviews then definitely go for it! I found Fire in a store one day and put it on my to-read list not knowing about Graceling, but it's been a few years now and I've not made it there yet. I know I should.

    Hope you're able to read a fair amount (at least - if not all!) of Outlander.

    1. I've heard from a lot of people they like Bitterblue better than Fire, but since I liked Graceling so much, I definitely want to read them both.

      And thanks! Even if I don't, I figure if/when I do have time to read with an infant in the house, at least they are so long I won't have to worry about deciding what to read next -- such chunky books will keep me busy (and from needing to make a decision!) for quite a while :)

  4. I like these reviews! If you don't feel like writing long reviews then don't. :)

    I'm glad you enjoyed Graceling. I want to finish the Outlander series so bad. I just know it will take time. I need to find time. I think I will love them all. I hope you get to finish them before the baby!

    1. I'm definitely liking this better! I should have my post with 4-star books ready soon :)

      Do it! You won't regret it :) I know it's hard to find the time though -- as the series goes on they just get longer! But hopefully you'll be hooked by then!

  5. I like the format of this post - high five for not writing reviews if you don't want to! I'm completely in the same boat right now :) I'm glad you've been enjoying some brilliant books lately. One day I really must read the Outlander series, I can't avoid the excellent reviews any longer.

    1. I have such a soft spot for Outlander! There are a lot of excellent reviews, but also a good amount of mixed ones for various reasons -- with a book so insanely popular, that's bound to happen. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. I can't wait to finally get to the new books I haven't had a chance to read yet :)

  6. Hopping over from the Chunkster Challenge....

    I loved Graceling and the other books in that series, too. It's been years since I read Outlander -- but I mentioned Diana Gabaldon in my chunkster review today, so she's been on my mind!

    1. I am totally hooked on my re-read of the series -- a sure sign of a favorite, especially considering the page count! I hope to read the rest of the Graceling series this year, but we shall see. Thanks for stopping by :)


I'd love to hear what you think :)