
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Where I Disappeared To...

I can't even count how many times I said to myself, "OK, today I will post a baby update..." and it just didn't happen. Someone so small sure keeps me busy! So here I am, finally sharing the happy news of our little man's arrival:

Our first day home -- my favorite picture of us :)

I actually went into labor at 3AM on my due date -- of course I didn't really think it was the real thing at the time, but as the night wore on, it became clear that it was indeed "baby time" as my husband liked to call it. He wasn't born until the morning after my due date, but everything went rather smoothly as far as giving birth goes, so I won't complain. My recovery hasn't been nearly as bad as I feared it would be, but having a newborn has definitely been an huge adjustment -- a wonderful one, but not always easy.

I had a week with both my mom and husband home with us followed by another week with my mom when my husband went back to work. This is my first week home alone with the baby -- I will admit I was really nervous, but we are doing well so far. He's a pretty happy baby unless he is wet or hungry and he loves to snuggle. I already can't picture my life without this little one and we just love him to pieces :)


  1. Congrats again!

  2. OMG, the picture of you and your new baby boy is simply precious!! Congrats to you and your hubby on your new bundle of joy!!

    I'm glad to hear everything has gone smoothly. Thanks for keeping your blog readers updated.

    1. Thank you! We think he's pretty precious too :)

  3. You guys look so happy and healthy! Congrats :D

  4. Congrats! I love the pic you shared! I'm glad everything went smoothly with the delivery. Enjoy your precious baby boy!

  5. Awwww.... so sweet! Congratulations! Cherish every moment -- such delight!

  6. He's so adorable and you look so happy. Congrats!

  7. Congratulations! Hope everything continues to run smoothly and that you're getting lots of sleep.

    1. Thanks Christine! Sleep sure is tricky with a newborn, but I think my husband and I both caught up a bit this weekend which really helps :)

  8. CONGRATS Christine!! What exciting news! I had a feeling we would be getting a post like this sometime soon. What an adorable little boy you have there. :D It sounds like you are all doing well and I am happy to hear it. Thanks for the baby update!

  9. Awwww! Look at his dear little face! Gorgeous. Congratulations and enjoy!

  10. Congratulations! He's adorable!


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