
Saturday, November 8, 2014

What I've Been Up to Lately + Some News!

Anyone who has been gracious enough to read this blog regularly has probably noticed I've been a bit MIA lately. I was never one to stick to a schedule or post every day, but one post each for the months of September and October is pretty light, even for me. I've missed blogging, but I also must admit I've really liked the freedom not blogging has given my reading (re-reading! chunksters! no review books!) And as much as I like writing, I don't particularly like how much time it takes me to write posts I am proud of and willing to share. Being on a bit of an unplanned, unofficial hiatus has helped me read more books this year than ever before in my life (unless you count my middle school years when I could inhale several Nancy Drew mysteries in a weekend, but I wasn't keeping track then!)

I know that most of the pressures associated with blogging are self-imposed and I can let go of those pressures and still blog if I want to, but I'm honestly not sure if I do want to. That is something I am still thinking about, so this isn't actually a goodbye post -- not yet anyway! There have a been a lot of things happening in my personal life that have bumped blogging to the bottom of my priority list and I am happy to say these have all been good things, they've just given me a different perspective and changed my focus -- #1 on the list being:

Yep, we're having a baby! I'm due in April and have so far been one of those lucky b*tches who hasn't been nauseous or throwing up for the first trimester. We've been telling people in stages and I must say, it's been the best part of this whole experience so far. For both sides of the family, this will be the first grandchild and also the third great-grandchild for each of our grandmothers so there has been a lot of excitement and distraction these past few weeks (months actually!)

If I really look at my life lately, trying to maintain the healthier habits I started before getting pregnant, sleeping more because I've been so damn tired, and also carving out more reading time have been taking up the time I used to spend blogging -- I can't say I regret any of that even one tiny bit though. I have to enjoy the sleep while I still can, right?

I know many moms continue blogging as their creative outlet, I'm just not sure yet if that will be the right thing for me. I love the community and I've still been reading many of my favorite blogs, but quite a few of the bookish gals who started around the same time as me have also cut back or gone on breaks, so it's been easier to let go than I ever imagined it would. I plan to keep this space open and post if and when the mood strikes, but I'm not going to make any grand promises. Inspiration hasn't been striking lately, but can't say for sure that it's gone for good. I'd love to do a round-up post of the bazillion books I've been reading over the past few months, but the list keeps growing so it does feel a bit daunting. I will most definitely still be around on GoodReads though no matter what happens here!

I am grateful for all the lovely people who've visited this space over the past few years and the bookish internet friends I've made -- it was hard to keep this news a secret for so long (especially when a few people were wondering where the heck I disappeared to!), but I'm glad I am now able to share it. I hope you have all been well in my absence and thanks for listening to my rambling today :)


  1. OMG!!!!! Congratulations Christine!! I am so happy for you. YEAH!! We are having a baby. I will miss you and your blog but I understand. Maybe you can change to Buckling Bookshelves and Baby! Congrats to you and your family.

    1. Thank you Alysia! We'll see what happens...I've been very distracted lately, but who knows -- I feel like I can't make any decisions right now, so I'm leaving my options open :)

  2. Congratulations! That's so exciting!

  3. Congratulations from your fellow April mom-to-be!

    It's so weird to see your ultrasound and know that mine probably looks similar! (Mine is a week from Monday so we'll finally get to see our little Snickerdoodle - as we've been calling him/her for the time being.)

    1. Thanks Charleen! I'm so excited to know someone due around the same time, though I do think you're a little bit ahead of me :) This was actually my 13 week ultrasound and I am 16 weeks now with our next planned for around 20 weeks. I've been sitting on it for a little while, lol. LOVE the nickname Snickerdoodle! I'm not so creative so it's usually just baby or I switch between saying he or she -- I can't say "it" -- sounds too weird!

    2. I'm due at the very beginning of April (the 2nd) so it sounds like I am a few weeks ahead of you. We've heard the heartbeat but my office doesn't do ultrasounds (unless they have a reason to) until 20 weeks.

    3. I'm due the 23rd, so it seems we're about 3 weeks apart. The 13 week ultrasound was for an optional screening that we chose to do. It seems the 20 week scan is the one everyone gets to check on things halfway through (seriously, how are we so close to halfway already?!) Since we did have the 13 week ultrasound, that was the first time we got to hear the heartbeat along with seeing the little munchkin :)

  4. Congratulations! What a wonderful new chapter of your life! Wishing you all the best with the baby and everything else... and hope you'll post now and then with updates. :)

    1. Thanks Lisa! I think I will still post, I'm just giving myself permission to take it easy and not feel so obligated when it comes to reviewing and schedules and such. I won't turn this into a baby blog, but I'm sure some updates will be appearing in the future :)

  5. OMG CONGRATS!!!! This is so exciting. I am so happy for you. Now I understand why you have been a little MIA. :) I would understand if you stepped away from blogging, but I'm glad to still hear you will be around on goodreads. I have no problem talking books with you that way.

    1. Thanks Kay! It's been so fun getting to tell everyone, I must admit :) I don't think I'm totally gone, I just know now better than ever that I can't force it. I've already started a catch-up book round-up post, so inspiration is still there at least a little bit :) Goodreads is just so automatic that I at least I know I will get my bookish fix there even when things get a little more chaotic!

  6. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you, and you must be so excited :D

  7. Congrats! What a wonderful, delightfully maddening journey you are about to embark on. Keep your options open, you may come back to this or you may try another outlet. Wonderful news!

    1. Thank you Kimba! That's exactly what I am doing -- keeping my options open -- I'm not ready to say I am done, but I am not ready to say I'm back full force either -- I'm going with the flow -- I hear that gets even more important when the kid actually gets here :)

  8. Ahh, congratulations, Christine! I'm so excited for you, so I can only imagine the joys you and your partner are currently going through! Enjoy every minute of being pregnant - I think that's much easier to do when you don't have any of the negatives such as nausea etc. I was really lucky with that too.

    I think when it comes to blogging, for many, there is a lifetime to it... It sounds like you may have come to the end of yours in the blogging world - based off all you said in the post. You should blog for you, and if it isn't enjoyable and feels like a drag then stopping may well be the best thing for you. I will sorely miss your blog - it was one of the first book blogs I discovered! At least I can keep up with all things bookish via Goodreads! Just remember, do what works for you.

    Once again, congratulations!

    1. Thank you Jade! Now you know why I am especially vulnerable to sweet posts about your little guy and family :) I don't think any pregnant woman would say they feel 100% themselves, but I really have been so lucky so I'm counting my blessings!

      I feel like I still have bookishness to share before the little one arrives, but it's hard enough to wrap my head around how different things will be in the spring, I just can't see how blogging will fit in right now, but who knows? I hear from a lot of moms that they still are able to find reading time, especially while on maternity leave, but blogging seems to be universally difficult at least for a little while. So we shall see, I'm telling myself I'm being flexible and going with the flow, good practice for having a kid right? lol

  9. So in case I didn't convey this in my tweet, I am SO excited for you! You are going to be a GREAT mom, and I totally support your decision to step back from blogging in the wake of your life changes. As you know, I have taken a similar approach to blogging recently and basically reassessed my priorities. My life hasn't been perfect, but it's been much more manageable. There's nothing that will make you reassess your priorities like a new addition! I hope to still see you around Twitter and occasionally on the blog, but definitely no pressure. Good luck, and congratulations again!

    1. Thank you Kristin! My goal is definitely to make this a no-pressure zone. I don't really want to close up shop, but I don't want to feel like if I am not posting X amount of times per week I'm "failing" at the blog. Posts are more fun (and probably more interesting to read) when inspiration strikes and I really WANT to write vs. feeling like I have to write. Real life happens and I'm glad stepping back has been working for you. What worked once won't necessarily work forever :)


    I was wondering where you have been, but I didn't think it was that :))) How exciting :)

  11. Congratulations!! Hope you won't give up blogging completely but if you do, we'll always be here when you return. :D

    1. Thank you Bonnie! It is nice to know you guys are around no matter what happens :)

  12. Massive congratulations, you're right that this post contained big news! I'm glad you aren't feeling too poorly, I had terrible morning sickness & wouldn't wish it on anyone. Would love to see update posts every now and again but there's of course no pressure.

    1. Thanks Sam! I almost feel guilty that I have been having such a relatively easy time so far. I wouldn't wish morning sickness on anyone either though, it sounds just miserable :(


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