
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Bookish Decorating Project, #2

A while back, I shared my bookish decorating project for my son's nursery. Before I ever even started working on that one, I had another decorating project in the works for our living room, a.k.a. my "library room." My basic idea was a *collage* of favorite bookish quotes with some bookish artwork/prints mixed in. I already had a bunch of matching frames in different sizes, so I started filling them in one by one based on what fit in best where...

So what's in the collage?

1. Five of my favorite bookish quotes printed out on white cardstock in various fonts:

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you know, the more places you'll go" ― Dr. Seuss

“And every book, you find, has its own social group--friends of its own it wants to introduce you to, like a party in the library that need never, ever end.” ― How to be a Woman, by Caitlin Moran

“I always order the banned books from a black market dealer in California, figuring if the State of Mississippi banned them, they must be good.”
― The Help, by Kathryn Stockett

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” ― Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, by J.K. Rowling

“A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest.”― C.S. Lewis 

(Note: I have since read the book of essays by C.S. Lewis where I believe this last one is taken from. It seems wherever I first read it had the wording a bit off, but I'm leaving it for now. The message is the same regardless!)

2. Two illustrated quotes printed from Goodreads' monthly newsletter:

"I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library." ― Jorge Luis Borges

"It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" ― J.K. Rowling

3. A copy of my UK Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone cover.

4. An illustrated postcard of The Elephant House, the cafe I visited in Edinburgh, Scotland where J.K. Rowling wrote parts of Harry Potter.

5. A print that came with my collector's edition of The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

Here's what my reading corner looks like :)

As you can tell, it's a bit Harry Potter-heavy :)

Has anyone else ever tried any bookish decorating projects? I'd love to hear about them!


  1. I love it! Bookish quotes are always awesome. That's a great idea to decorate with. I started a bookish decorating project several months ago, and it's been sitting on my table neglected for much too long. I printed out maps of a few fictional worlds (like Narnia) to hang on the wall. One of these days I'll finish them up!

    1. Thanks Julie! I LOVE the map idea -- I'd love to see how it comes out, when you get the chance to finish it up :)

  2. This is lovely! I've been collecting bookish things to frame and hang when I get my own place. I cannot wait :D

    1. Thanks Ellie! I had been collecting things for quite a while too -- I didn't get to use them all, but a few made it in. It's always fun to make your place your own :)

  3. Lovely! I haven't done anything myself, but I have a box of Peguin book cover postcards, that I'm thinking of putting on my wall somehow, somewhere. :)

    1. Thanks Riv! I think the book cover postcards would make awesome wall art :)

  4. This is great. I love the colour of your walls too. I can fully imagine curling up very nicely in that corner with a flask of coffee and a huge pile of books!

    1. Thanks! It is a pretty awesome place to curl up with a book -- one of my favorite spots in the house :)

  5. Adorable! I absolutely love a mini-gallery wall. If I could put as many holes in my apartment walls as I desired, I would put gallery walls of framed pictures all over the place.

    1. Thanks Jenny! It is exciting to be able to decorate however you want -- I remember my dorm and apartment days and their limited decorating options well!

  6. This is great. I haven't done any bookish decorating, but I do a lot of movie-themed decorating in my living room and dining room (it's one open space).

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

    1. Thanks Terri! Movie decor sounds awesome too :)

  7. It turned out amazing!!!! I LOVE IT! What a great idea. I may have to do this....

    You chose great quotes too! Very nice Christine! Thanks so much for sharing. Inspiration for me!

    1. p.s. Can anything ever have to much HP? Never. ;)

    2. Thanks Kay! It's so fun to decorate once you take that first step :) And no, there can never be too much HP :) :)

  8. Beautiful! I love the quotes you chose and how you put them together.


I'd love to hear what you think :)