
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Baby Books to Make a New Mom Cry

Now, I don't actually mean that in a bad way. Some of my favorite baby books so far have been the sweet, sentimental ones. And thanks to the postpartum hormones (WAY crazier than the pregnancy hormones, in my experience anyway!) my eyes were rather leaky while reading them to my little man. Whether I was outright bawling, just getting a little misty-eyed, or something in between is directly related to how far removed I was from delivery when I read them. Proceed with caution if you're trying not to trigger the waterworks (is such a thing even possible?!), but I highly recommend all of these wonderful books for any little one's library.

by Liza Baker, illustrated by David McPhail

by David Van Buren, illustrated by Tim Warnes

by Robert Munsch, illustrated by Sheila McGraw

by Nancy Tillman

by Melissa Marr, illustrated by Teagan White

by Margaret Wise Brown, illustrated by Clement Hurd

by Don Freeman


  1. Love You Forever is one of my favorites! I used to love reading that one when babysitting. Not to the kids necessarily, just to myself, lol.

    1. It is such a sweet takes an odd little twist, I must admit, but I love the sentiment.

  2. Awwww. You have some of my favorites here! I'd also add "Mama, Do You Love Me?" (so gorgeous!) and "Guess How Much I Love You". I absolutely remember the teary-eyed days of reading to newborns! Enjoy. :)

    1. I've since gotten Guess How Much I Love you and it's great! I think I need to do a Part 2 post!

  3. These sound adorable and I can see why they would make one cry!

  4. Cute list of baby books. Thanks for sharing this list of reads with us!!

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