
Sunday, September 23, 2018

Buckling Bookshelves is now on Instagram!

So, I finally caved and started a dedicated bookstagram account separate from my personal account. I've been having fun playing around with it so far and I'd love if you'd come check out my feed if you use Instagram! You can find me @bucklingbookshelves and I'll embed a recent post below.

I've admittedly been posting more on Instagram recently than I have been here on the blog.  But I do have a whole bunch of blog post ideas swirling around in my head I'm hoping to get out of my brain and onto the screen now that summer is over and my son and I are getting settled into his new nursery school routine. (Side note: HOW is he old enough for nursery school already?!?!?)

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A post shared by Christine (@bucklingbookshelves) on

(Side note #2: I actually finished this book last night and I'm just in love with Anne -- bring on the rest of the series!)

Earlier today I put up the first of what will be several IG posts for Banned Books Week, starting with banned/challenged classics I have on my shelves. There's more to come throughout the week on Instagram and I will also definitely be posting my next Caldecott Calendar entry here on the blog featuring all the Medal and Honor books that have been banned/challenged over the years.

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Are you on bookstagram? Leave me your handle in the comments so I can check out your feed, too!


  1. I'm not on Instagram and probably won't be... but I do appreciate your pretty picture! I really do need to read the Anne books. It's kind of shameful that I never have. :)

    1. I'm sooo late to this comment, that I already know you read the first book! Wasn't it so good?! I'm pretty sure I'm abandoning Instagram now anyway -- taking away too much of my reading time!

  2. Replies
    1. I'm sooo late to this comment, but thanks for following! I'm pretty sure I'm abandoning Instagram now anyway since it's taking away too much of my reading time! I've had your Bookstagram blog post bookmarked for probably a month now and keep meaning to go comment on it -- one of these days! :)


I'd love to hear what you think :)