
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

My Little Bookworm

My son won't turn 3 until April, so he is still pretty little. Logically my brain knows this, but man, looking at pictures of when he was really little are getting me all nostalgic already. I've hardly shared any photos of him here on the blog, but realized looking through my phone recently that I have some bookish ones I really love. So I'm indulging myself in a little walk down memory lane (and a bunch of recent shots) mini-bookworm style :) 

Quite pleased with himself for pulling out my bookmark!

The beginnings of actual interest in looking at the pictures.

This shelf should be empty, right? I'm working on it, Ma.


2nd Christmas card photo.

And now I must investigate Daddy's shelves.

I'm chillin' with some of your books Ma, OK?

Wheels on the Bus + Pete the Cat are a winning combination.

That book's bigger than you kid!

Right before he got REALLY mad he couldn't sit on that book stack and read the bottom one at the same time.

Books and buddies on summer vacation.

He was absorbed in that book for an unheard of amount of time at the used bookstore. Needless to say, we bought it.

A rare shot of me reading to him!

Daddy's turn!

At the library.

Book break before the Halloween parade at the library.

A book to fall asleep by, just like Mom.

Yup, this has been a pretty regular occurrence lately.

And again.

Or sometimes he's just NOT napping and tearing the shelves apart instead. I know we have a lot of books, but it never seems like THAT many books until they are all on the floor.

Reading Pooh to Pooh.

I love this expression!


  1. OMG, precious pictures of your son with books! I love the captions you've added under each photograph you've taken of him.

    The one of you reading to your son is my favorite!! My mom read to me all the time as a youngster and it helped me become the avid reader I am today.

    Thanks for sharing your pictures with us.

    1. Thank you! I'm pretty biased, but I sure do love them :) :) And what a wonderful memory you have of reading with your Mom :) :)

  2. How is he almost three?! I love this post and all of these pictures. But I'm probably a little biased there. :-)

    1. My best friend since first grade and Godmother of this little guy is biased? No way :) :) :)

  3. Wow! Cutest thing ever! You're clearly doing lots of things right, because you have a booklover on your hands. :)

    1. Thanks Lisa! I may not have everything else together, but I do think I have the sharing books thing down :)

  4. Every one of these pictures is adorable! Looks like you're definitely raising a reader. I feel your pain with pulling the books off of shelves. I've recently been going through all the books in my library, and of course my son keeps himself busy by pulling them all off right behind me! I'm so glad you shared all these wonderful pictures!

    1. Thanks Julie! My son has generally speaking been less interested in the "adult" shelves than in his own shelves, but when he sets his mind to unpacking his shelves, he does a pretty thorough job :)

      I hadn't planned to do reorganize my shelves this past weekend, but I started with one thing and ended up re-shelving much more of our collection than I originally intended -- and once I had put piles on the floor, he was like woo hoo! towers! fun! I must knock these down! LOL Thankfully, once they all got off the floor, he went back to mostly ignoring them -- there are so many books around here, they're almost like decoration!

  5. ADORABLE! He can never have too many books! He also has a cute bookcase. :)

    1. Thanks Kay! I do love that bookcase we got as a baby shower gift -- it has giraffes and other animals on the sides :) :)


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