
Monday, October 26, 2015

So this happened yesterday...

I've been reading to my son practically since he was born. He has no idea what I'm talking about yet, but I still love doing it and I think it's important. Over these past six months, he started grabbing for the pages and little by little he seems to (maybe?) be actually looking at them -- or at least the colors and the motion as I flip them.

When he was a teeny tiny newborn I used to hold him while reading, but he's been so wiggly the past few months, we started lying on the floor so I could hold the book above us and let him move around. Last night was the first time he really sat with me in my comfy reading chair and the pictures my husband snapped make this bookish mom's heart happy, so I had to share :)

We've (OK, I've...) been on a Halloween book kick, so here we are reading The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree he got from his Godmom. I must admit I feel like a kid again myself rediscovering picture books. I know they are not every adult's cup of tea, but I just love these stories, even though they are aimed at audiences 25+ years my junior. Maybe I'll change my tune when my son gets old enough to ask me to read the same book for the thousandth time, but for now I'm exploring a whole world of stories I've barely touched in a few decades and it's just plain fun! :)


  1. Ah, what a precious moment, and captured on camera too! :-) It's so fun having a bookish child, my little one is nearly two and we sit down multiple times a day to read.

    I'm actually starting a little project in the new year, because, like you, my son has made me fall in love with children's books and I just want to share the joy of reading with a child.

    1. Thanks Jade! So many of those moments you can't get on camera, so it's extra nice to have this one :) You're project sounds exciting -- can't wait to hear more about it!

  2. My son seems to enjoy his books... but mostly as something else to chew on. Luckily we've got some that are designed just for that, but I have to be careful about the library books. Sometimes I'll read to him from one book off to the side, while giving him another to play with in his lap. So he still gets the book + story association, but without me having to fight to turn pages.

    1. Oh yea, this little guy LOVES to chew on his books -- thank goodness for board books! I like that idea of a book to read and a book to play with -- I will have to try it myself :)

  3. This makes me so happy. Also, I may have pre-screened the books when I bought them. And enjoyed them all.

    1. I'm sure you did -- a very important Godmom responsibility :)

  4. So, sweet!! Thanks for sharing the pictures and your post with us readers. Enjoy every reading moment with your son. :-)

  5. Aw, beautiful! What a wonderful moment to share with your son!

    1. Thanks Jenny! These are some of the best moments for sure :)

  6. I love picture books! They're a valid art form, even though most are marketed toward pre-readers and beginning readers. And a good story will appeal to any age.

    Perhaps reading a book a thousand times would grow wearisome, however. I always hear parents at the library giving their children parameters--"You can't chose [insert book title] again!" or "Let's not check out [book title] since we own it and we should let other children have this copy!"

    1. I like thinking of picture books as art -- I hadn't really thought of them that way before! Those are also great ideas to keep in mind for when he's a little older :)

  7. So cute! It's so fun to share our love of reading with the next generation. I love doing it with my students, and I can't wait to do it with a little one of my own! :)

    1. Thanks Julie! Being a parent (or a teacher!) is not always easy, but sharing with the next generation is such a joy.

  8. This is wonderful! I babysat my nephew earlier this summer and he fell asleep one day during his nap with a book on his chest.

  9. Awwww, he is adorable Christine, and it looks like both of you are having a lot of fun! :D This post makes me smile. Also, you can't go wrong with The Berenstain Bears!


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